UHIP for a Student on Parental Leave
One month of UHIP coverage for a student that is not currently enrolled in academic studies at York University due to the birth of a child.
SKU: UHIP-Parental-Student
This product consists of one month of UHIP coverage for a student that is not currently enrolled in academic studies at York University due to the recent birth of a child. A total of twelve months of coverage must be purchased prior to the YI UHIP Office's submission of the student's petition to enroll in UHIP.
The purchase of this product does not guarantee that Cowan will approve UHIP enrollment during a leave of absence. If Cowan agrees to enroll the UHIP member during a leave of absence, a contract must be signed prior to the issuance of the UHIP card.
Tax is included in the cost of the product. If premiums increase for the 2025-2026, the student will be asked to pay the difference in August/September 2025.